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supporting the transition to #netzero


Greener energy


Wind power generation plays a key role in delivering the 2050 net zero target. This transition requires new, innovative technologies that make the economics of wind energy more attractive, as well as its environmental and social benefits. 

Our innovations in the design of wind turbine blades and in its manufacturing and assembly offer a step-change improvement greater than almost any other single innovation available, through:


  • Lighter blades, higher yields, lower cost of energy. By reducing the weight of the blade by up to 32%, we can increase its length by 10%, increase the energy yield by 9% and reduce the LCOE of wind energy by 7%.

  • Lean manufacturing. Our processes requires smlaller facilities and tools requiring less energy and low emissions.

  • Modularity and flexibility. We can tailor the assembly and installation of large blades to customer needs.


By 2030, our blades will produce 934GWh of clean wind energy, removing 274kt of CO2 from fossil fuels.

By 2050 this is projected to rise to 55TWh of energy and 1.6mt of CO2 removed. Our blade embraces circularity and reduces waste materials by up to 561kg per blade


UN Sustainable Development Goals

ACT Blade contributes to five UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

Affordable and clean energy
We make clean energy more affordable, reducing the cost of wind energy and extending the life of existing assets. Will supply an extra 937 GWh of wind energy by 2030 rising to 55TWh by 2050.
Decent work and economic growth
Our factory in Southern Italy provides development & jobs in a lagging region. We are committed to equal opportunities and the highest employee standards.
Climate action
We deliver a significantly lower carbon footprint. It displaces 152t CO2 of fossil fuel emissions per year per turbine, equating to 274Kt CO2 removed by 2030 and 1.6Mt CO2 removed by 2050.
Industry, innovation, and infrastructure.
We work with UK and EU partners to mobilise research and foster innovation in textile, data analysis, monitoring sensors and manufacturing processes.
Responsible consumption and production
Our factory is 47% smaller, production uses 33% less energy for the facility. For a 50m blade we save 3.8 ton of composite material and 760kg of waste.
Gender equality
Co-founded and led by a woman, we will ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making.
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