Technical Director​
Dr Donald MacVicar
​Donald manages the R&D team, coordinates the technical activities, and leads the interactions with suppliers and technical advisors.
He has substantial experience of building mechanical systems and R&D planning, deriving great satisfaction from resolving the engineering challenges that inevitably arise in innovative projects. He has a BEng in Electronic and Software Engineering and a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Glasgow.

Academic publications
Fully Integrated fluid-structural analysis for the design and performance optimization of fiber reinforced sails, Technical Proceedings of the 22nd Chesapeake Sailing Yacht Symposium (2016)
Advanced structural analysis method for aeroelastic simulations of sails, Third International Conference on Innovation in High Performance Sailing Yachts, Lorient (2013)
Modelization and calculation of the windage of sailing boat standing rigging, High Performance Yacht Design Conference, Auckland (2012)
A fully integrated sail-rig analysis method - Trans RINA, Vol. 153, Part B2, International Journal of Small Craft Technology.
A fully integrated method for optimising fiber-membrane sails Proceedings of the 3rd - High Performance Yacht Design Conference, Auckland (2008)
ACT Blade Manufacturing Method
ACT Blade Active version
Suction Sails -wind propulsion for ships